
Current Lesson
Course Content
Course Content
    • Welcome! Start here…
    • For the Qs ahead...
      white laptop yellow pencil notebook coffee cup
    • The You Review Questionnaire
      the you review macbook pro
    • Holistic Coaching & Wellness Primer
      environment pebble small
    • Clearing Space
    • Tonics For Your Creative Spirit
      tonics for your creative spirit blog book iPhone X on book copy
  • 0 / 12
    Module 1: Coaching Creatives
    • What is Creativity Coaching?
      what is creativity coaching graphic on imac creative desk workspace copy
    • Benefits of Creativity Coaching?
      Cartoon Drawing Class copy
    • Who needs a Creativity Coach?
      artist woman studio easel window
    • Types of Creative Challenges
      creative woman desk notepad computer
    • Who can become a Creativity Coach?
      laptop plant ipad chair
    • Coaching Courage
      empower blossom small
    • Is Creativity Coaching for you?
      danielle-macinnes-begin mug-unsplash
    • Creativity Coaching - Best Practices
      tidy dsk space laptop files
    • My Story: Past, Present & Future
      introvert creatives home business laptop turquoise coffee mug apple
    • Holistic Creativity Coaching - Case Study
    • Top Tip for Coaching Confidence
      open laptop plant chair mug
    • Coaching Creatives Bookshelf
      tulips bookshelf crop
    • Your Foundation For Success
      aloe vera plant notebooks sunshine
    • Getting Started: Your Unique Value
      pawel-czerwinski colour paints
    • Client & Brand Questionnaire
      notebooks pile pencil laptop coffee cup
    • Step-by-step Momentum
      laptop desk window yellow notebook
    • Action Steps Mindmap
    • Designing Coaching Packages
      notebooks pile pencil laptop coffee cup
    • The Pros & Cons of Email Coaching
      white laptop yellow pencil notebook coffee cup
    • Business Models & Hybrid Coaching
      laptop lifestlye freedom beach chair
    • Inspire to Hire
      heart stone-unsplash
    • Your audience is here!
      white dome and gold stars
    • Connecting with first clients
      laptop coffee cup heart shape froth
    • Your Invitation
    • Your Feel-Good Marketing Focus
    • Case Study: The Marketing Mix I LOVE
      marketing mix I love laptop notebook
    • Marketing for Creatives (Who don't love marketing)
      yellow origami boat
    • Bonus: My Little Black Book of Tried & Tested Tools
      marketing mix I love laptop notebook
    • Bonus : The Success Magnet Formula
      success magnet formula product laptop mug pencils banner
    • Guidance for Next Steps + Graduation Gifts
      laptop desk window yellow notebook
    • Bonus: Designing Coaching Packages
      question mark Q & A bokeh lights
    • Bonus: Prepared Content Q&A
      open laptop plant chair mug
    • Bonus: Behind-The-Scenes of my Online Courses
      creative well courses portal home page S

Benefits of Creativity Coaching?

getting started as a creativity coach beginners guide banner copy



Hi , 

By now, you’ve probably guessed that I am a passionate advocate for Creativity Coaching, and there are numerous, multi-layered reasons for this.

To help you clearly see just how beneficial this work can be, let’s explore some of the positive advantages and ripple effects that occur as a result of helping creative people do their work.

This lesson will reveal the many ways that the simple art of supporting creative souls can make a world of difference - and not just to our clients.

I hope this study of the many benefits will help you to tap into the reasons that are the most meaningful to you.

As we’ll discover later on, being able to access an internal drive to do this work can be a powerful source of energy and resilience - essential ingredients for any new business or creative endeavour. 

So, let’s discover just how many lives we can change by answering our calling to coach creatives.


DR circle







Cartoon Drawing Class copy




Benefits for Clients 

Let’s start with the potential benefits this work can yield for our clients.

Science is increasingly showing us that creative expression is a proven route to health and happiness.

In helping our clients to overcome (or bypass) creative blocks, and to establish an enjoyable creative lifestyle, they can look forward to a host of beneficial side effects.

Beyond the joy and satisfaction of creative expression itself, here are a few of the unexpected side-effects reported by my clients:

• increased energy

• enhanced intuition

• a calm, inner confidence

• a gentler approach to life and success

• making peace with food and diet struggles

• better sleep

• an exciting new joie de vivre

• even reduced sugar cravings!

and, of course…

• a life-enhancing reconnection to the creative spark

Creativity heals.

Creativity delights.

Creativity even increases longevity.

These life blessings are the kind of results you can expect your clients to enjoy, often as an unexpected side-effect of your work on any particular project or issue.

These underlying benefits are also the reason that clients will seek help with their creative lives.

Many of us know, at least on some level, that expressing our creativity will make us feel better - emotionally, physically, and mentally. People value these outcomes, which explains why the demand for Creativity Coaches is increasing.

As you can see, Creativity Coaching provides a truly valuable service to clients, enriching their lives in powerful and unexpected ways.

I hope that this awareness of just how beneficial this work can be will help you to value your own work with clients - so that you can thrive as a coach, just as much as your clients will thrive as a result of your support.


• • •


Benefits for Coaches 

Coaching can be a form of creative expression. Creativity Coaching, in particular, can be a route to heightened creativity, expression and joyful productivity.

As such, Creativity Coaches get to benefit from all the advantages of creative living. (See above)

The way you choose to coach and the formats you prefer will influence which benefits you unleash as part of your Creativity Coaching.

For example, a good proportion of my coaching work is written, and I LOVE to write - it’s one of my favourite forms of creative expression.

(It’s why I’m such a big fan of Email Coaching.) 

Similarly, putting together online coaching programmes is a creative joy. I love to outline and project-manage my courses and programmes.

Designing the marketing graphics and mini-brands that I use to share and promote my work allows me to express my love of aesthetics and design.

Envisioning the customer journey and building an email sequence that inspires and delights my audience is a highly creative process.

You might like to consider how you wil infuse your innate creativity into your coaching business. 

Maybe you like to record and edit inspirational videos for your clients.

Or you may enjoy creating beautiful photography to use in your marketing.

Perhaps you’re more of a performing artist, and love to channel your creativity in live coaching sessions through storytelling, poetry or uplifting oratory.

There are many ways we can approach our coaching business as a vehicle for creative expression.

This approach can be beneficial in any coaching niche, but I believe it’s even more inspiring - and relevant - when working with fellow creative types.

Writing, designing, building, crafting, envisioning, expressing, planning, bringing ideas to tangible reality - these are all highly creative processes.

Equally, building a business, designing a career, and turning a calling into an income stream - these are also creative acts.

When we approach our own processes and our coaching business as a creative project, we are living our own form of expression - with all the benefits outlined above.

There may be some coaching modalities that don’t fall into the obvious categories of creative arts - I’ve worked with some excellent coaches who don’t regard themselves as creatives - yet I believe there are opportunities to infuse creativity into any coaching practice.

As you’re interested in becoming a Creativity Coach, it’s not only helpful to ensure your own creative wellbeing - I believe it is essential.

You’ll be a better coach to your creative clients when your own creative life is flourishing.

This is one of the bonus benefits of becoming a Creativity Coach - you prioritise your creativity. And as you do, you get to enjoy the lovely ripple effects, as well as becoming a more inspiring model and mentor for your clients.

It’s a healthy, happy win-win;

Your creativity not only serves you, it also elevates your work and serves your audience at a higher level.

• • • 

Benefits for Humanity

We’ve seen how Creativity Coaching can deliver a range of beneficial blessings to your clients' lives and to your own.

Now, let’s explore what I call the Triple Ripple Effect of Creative Happiness.

This is the aspect of our work that goes beyond individuals - both coaches and clients - and sparks beneficial ripple effects that uplift the collective.

This is how Creativity Coaching serves a much larger role, being a force for good on the planet.

Because when people successfully and joyfully express their creative callings they become a great asset to our world.

When creative people are expressing their unique creativity and purpose, and enjoying a fulfilling and inspired life – they’re naturally at their best.

Heightened creativity enables them to be the ultimate versions of themselves.

Happy creatives are naturally more generous, kind, patient and giving - it’s an automatic side-effect.

They’re so filled up and lit up by their connection to their creative spirit, and the joy of expressing their soul – they can’t help but become a happier and more generous human being. It’s a natural and automatic process.

Happy, creative humanitarians.

And the world needs more of those.

This is the bigger picture of Creativity Coaching - how it is helping to make the world a kinder, more loving place - one fulfilled creative soul at a time.

I hope this wider view will help you to see just how valuable your work in coaching creative people can be, and how much it is greatly needed.

Your success as a Creativity Coach may enrich the lives of your clients, your loved ones and of course, yourself - but it’s also part of a much larger positive shift at play on the planet.

I hope this introduction has revealed the many benefits of creativity coaching, for the client who receives this valued support system, as well as the ones around them who benefit from their increased wellbeing and happiness.

Yet, I hope it also inspires you with one of the driving forces behind my work - the potential for this world-changing Triple Ripple Effect.

This is the positive momentum that occurs globally, when more creative people do the work they love.

It’s the heart of a movement I call Creativity for Humanity - the philosophy of prioritising the joys and benefits of creative expression on an individual level, that leads to beneficial ripple effects for us all.

As Creativity Coaches, we’re an important part of this work.

Those of us who are dedicated to helping creatives do their soul work - whether we know about it or not, whether we care about it or not - we are performing a great service to humanity.

Creativity for Humanity works its magic by focusing on one creative person at a time.

And it’s greatly accelerated by the marvellous work being done by the growing ranks of devoted Creativity Coaches who are modelling creative well-being.

• • • 

Dive deeper…

If you’d like to read more about this altruistic and purpose-led aspect of Creativity Coaching, I’ve explored a number of themes in the following blog posts:


those brave enough to follow their creative dreams copy

Creativity For Humanity: How your Joy Works serve the world



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How your creative dreams are good for humanity



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creativity quote marie forleo 

Art, humanity & creative service