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Intro: My Credentials, Metrics & Recommendations

The Success Magnet Formula

Welcome to The Success Magnet Formula, !

I can't wait to share with you my working theory of how we can align with automagic success. 

But before we dive into those magical ingredients, you may be wondering what I know about the subject. 

And it’s a good question, so I’ll share more of my story here, so that you can review my results, as well as my metrics, to see how these resonate with your own vision of success.

I also have a couple of recommendations that will help you get the most from the ideas to follow. 

So, let's begin! 


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aloe vera plant notebooks sunshine

A couple of recommendations

Make space for your Inner Wisdom

Firstly, as a way to prime yourself for the formula to come, I’d love to invite you to soften your attachment to your logical, analytical mind - just for a while.

Because if you've found yourself with this material in your hands, I don’t believe that’s an accident.

You are meant to have it. 

And here you are!

So, that in itself is a win of sorts.

But if you're going to invest your most valuable assets in this material (your time, energy and attention), you'll get the most out of it by trusting that your inner GPS - the guidance system that got you here - knows what it’s doing.

I recommend trusting that, or at the very least, making some space for those soul memos. 

While our wonderful intellect plays a vital and valuable role in our lives and our creative journeys, there are times when we need to move forward based on our heart’s wisdom rather than our head’s logic.

Some would even argue that our inner wisdom is always the right voice to follow...

“If I create from the heart, nearly everything works;

if from the head, almost nothing.”

Marc Chagall

So, if you find that your logical mind is becoming noisy and demanding, this is a perfect opportunity to practice quieting that chatter and tuning in to the more subtle wisdom that lead you here.

This habit in itself is a foundation for success - ask any successful person their secret and many will tell you it’s their ability to trust their gut, instinct, heart or the often illogical nudges that they can’t explain.

I invite you to consider that maybe they're onto something…

See for yourself 

My second suggestion is to experiment with these ideas.

Don’t take my word for it - have a go in your own life, and then assess your own results.

HINT: You will likely find what you look for.

Such is the nature of our marvellous minds, that we tend to find evidence for what we believe (or want to believe) to be true.

In psychology, this is called a Confirmation Bias - we like to find new evidence that ‘proves’ what we already think is right.

And yet each person has a slightly different perspective, so there it no absolute version of the truth.

As a result, if you're looking for this material to hold useful clues to your own success, you will likely find them.

However, if you suspect that there's nothing here that could possibly help you, chances are good that your determination to be proved right will win out.

Which is why I suggest approaching this material with a light-heartedness and an open mind, in a spirit of playful curiosity and experimentation.

Though I can't know for sure how these principles will work for you, I'm confident that inviting you to experiment and discover for yourself will yield the best results for you

Besides, your own personal experience will be much more convincing to you than anything I could suggest or demonstrate.

Your own results will be the best proof of what’s possible within your unique circumstances.

So, I hope this inspires you to give these ideas a little playtime in your life.

And while I can offer no guarantees (I have no way of knowing what your personal Confirmation Bias will be), I do know that the ingredients of this formula are renowned for their universally positive effects.

You have nothing to lose by trying them out - and an exciting new world of automagic success to gain.

I hope you feel that’s worth a little light experimentation. :-) 

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My Success Magnet Credentials

After studying success principles for many, many years (close to two decades), I feel I've learned a huge amount about the subtle inner and outer shifts that prime us for more success.

But what is success?

At its core; success is simply achieving what we set out to do.

But I also love these definitions of success from fellow students of the topic;


“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it..” 

Maya Angelou

“Success in life is becoming what you want to be.”

Wallace Wattles

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. 

Earl Nightingale

By these metrics - the ones that matter to me, and the ones that I focus my efforts around - I've found my way to a trajectory of ever-increasing success.

For me this looks like ongoing progress - onwards and upwards, always - as well as a pattern of improvements both large and small, along with a deepening optimism and confidence that even better things are in store.

For me, this is success.

Happily, these internal blessings translate to some delightful material upgrades and benefits, such as ongoing improvements in my home environment, my career alignment, my finances, my relationships and my health - ie the worldly experiences that are important to me.

Yet I believe that the true gifts of this approach are the invisible factors - the sense of contentment, fulfilment and what I love to call calmfidence.

Going through life with an ever-deepening sense of these feelings is my barometer for living well.

So, if you value a similar metric of success - an increased joy of living - I feel that this material will invite new levels of these blessings into your life.

As for the more conventional aspects of success - money, power, influence, status symbols and luxurious living - happily, I've found that the more we tend to the inner alignment of delighting in our present life, coupled with an excited expectation of even better things, the more these external markers find their way to us.

This is the nature of magnetism - things begin to flow to us, automagically.

And you’ll likely find, as I'm finding, that the less you strive and chase and desperately pursue the traditional measures of success, the more easily they appear in your life, seemingly all by themselves.

Of course, there will always be new desires to aspire to, and I actually feel that this is what makes life interesting and fun - it’s a never-ending game of selection, intention and achievement.

There’s even a theory that not having everything we desire is preferable to having it all.


“To be without some of the things you want
is an indispensable part of happiness.

Bertrand Russell

(If you'd like more on this theory, I recommend The Happiness of Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau.)

So, while this formula is designed to help you enjoy more of the things that you're currently pursuing, it’s also crafted in such a way that you'll experience the most enjoyment and happiness in the journey.

And since the journey is really your life, I feel that a more joyful, accomplished and calmfident way of living is the ultimate success.


camfidence definition


So, if you're on board with these recommendations and a holistic definition of success, let's begin exploring the formula that can align your life with these results - automagically...