The First Ingredient
How to be a Success Magnet
My Working Theory (The Short Version)
A few years ago, I was a ‘Good Luck Guinea Pig’ for a leading UK university.
This involved being part of a live study group exploring a range of theories around luck, chance and good fortune.
I jumped at the opportunity to be a part of this study, because I’ve been running my own experiments of the principles of success and good luck for many years.
And from my personal experimenting in my own life, as well as analysing and reverse-engineering the results of my clients, friends, and family, I've developed a working theory on what I like to call, Becoming a Success Magnet, or to use one of my favourite made-up words, How to Live in the Flow of Automagic Success.
The short version of my working formula is this...
To live in a way that attracts success, all we need to do is;
Live and work in JFG.
And what is JFG?!
Well, that requires a little bit more explanation.
But I think you’ll enjoy learning the ingredients of this magic formula, as well as how simply they can become a natural part of your life, and help you enjoy more Success Magnet benefits.
Let’s explore the JFG formula…
The First Ingredient
J is for Joy
In our Success Magnet Formula, J is for Joy.
I actually believe the point of our very existence is for joy, but to keep on track with our Success Magnet formula, let’s just explore how joy can help us to become more magnetic to success.
In metaphysical terms, the vibration of joy is highly attractive to similar positive vibrations, usually the things that will bring us more joy.
So, in essence, joy attracts joy.
And the reason we want more success – however we define it – is usually because we believe it will make us happier – we will enjoy our lives more.
So the driving force behind all success-seeking is the pursuit of more joy.
And according to many creative principles and universal laws, one of the very best ways to create anything in the future is to experience the essence of it more consciously and deeply in the present, as much as we possibly can.
Prosperity expert Marilyn Jennet points out in her book, Feel Free to Prosper, that we don’t get what we expect – we get what we are.
If we’d like more of anything, we can cocreate or attract – ie magnetise – that by being more of that now.
Although this sounds paradoxical, you’ve probably seen this play out in your own life already.
Maybe you’ve heard phrases like success begets success, money loves money, or the rich get richer etc…
There seems to be an Upward Spiral Effect that kicks in, once we align with a certain frequency or identity.
And we can harness this principle in our mission to enjoy more effortless success.
We can create more future joys, and spark that upward spiral of desirable results simply by enjoying our lives more in the present.
Your Success Magnet Challenge – Part 1
While the mechanics and the energetics of this are fascinating, (it’s one of my favourite areas of study!), the most compelling evidence will come from your own experience.
So, I invite you to play with this idea and experiment with it in your own life – and feel free to share your results, I would love to hear them. :-)
All you need to do is decide that you will try it out for yourself.
You can do that, right here, right now – would you like to?
If so, simply say, out loud if you can,
I intend to explore more joy in the present
and notice how it affects my results and my life.
And that’s all you need to do for part one of our Success Magnet formula.
Enjoy your experiment!
This exercise can be doubly beneficial for creatives, if you choose to focus your new joy-seeking activities within your creative life.
Because the creative process, especially that lovely flow state, can itself be a highly magnetic and attractive energetic state.
So the joyful and absorbing expression of your creative spirit is a high-frequency vibration that’s renowned for magical and seemingly miraculous results. (What some people call luck, the zone, or grace.)
And I know for sure that creative joy is magnetic to inspiration, solutions and successful results – I see results of this daily.
I believe there’s a direct link between creativity and manifesting, or divine cocreation as I like to call it.
After all – successful results are a creation of some kind, and so success-creation is simply a type of creative process.
So feel free to scan your creative work and practices to see when and where you can increase the Joy Quotient.
And don’t forget to take note of how it affects your results.
I think you’ll discover that the effort of making this or any aspect of your current life more joyful will deliver delightful and surprising outcomes.
Welcome to Joy Power.
I hope it convinces you to adopt this experiment as a lifelong practice.
Imagine the results of an ongoing daily commitment to the magnetic frequency of joy…
Because even if it didn’t affect your results in any way, you’d massively increase your enjoyment of your own life, surely that’s one of the most valuable types of success?
“Liberating and expressing your natural genius
is your ultimate path to success and life satisfaction.”
Gay Hendricks, The Big Leap
Dive deeper...
I’ll be back tomorrow with the next part of our Success Magnet Formula – I want to give you plenty of time and space to play with this vital first aspect.
And if you’d like to dive deeper into this idea of automagic results, I began writing about it on my blog a few years ago, where I also share some ancient and respected sources that back up my theory.
All is revealed in the blog post below...