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Colour Magnet Mind Game

your creative dharma prep work


Are you ready to play?

This game is a small-but-mighty magic trick that will prove to you the power of your marvellous mind, as well as how easy change and improvement can be.





STEP 1 : What is your favourite colour? (Be specific, eg Tiffany blue or salmon pink.)

STEP 2 : Say the following mantra out loud – and smiling.
“I love (favourite colour)!

I’m so happy to see (favourite colour) so many times a day!”

STEP 3 : Repeat this mantra every time you make yourself a drink or meal or snack.

Don’t forget to smile!

STEP 4 : Make a list or even just notice how often you now see your favourite colour.

NOTE : This game may seem frivolous, pointless or too simple to be effective, but it will sow vital seeds in your mind that will underpin our work later in the course. So please do play the game!

Plus, it’s fun to see how powerful your mind can be. :-)